
playing with matches

can you miss someone you (want to)hate? yes, you can. i don't know why your asking when this is obviously how you feel. if you feel it it must be true. right? maybe.

all the things "they say" about pinning and missing are cliche and depressing
and i don't pretened to know what the emotional contract is for the grey area between missing and hating.
(beacause missing isn't loving, and therefore the parallel is squewed, right?)

well what ever it is, it's giving me awful writers block, and a worse headache.

but i decided that i am happier with this piece than i thought i would be when i started it :

hands that sprint
down my spine
like fire
burnt by a flame
i did not light
raw and blisterd
dry regrets
in greasy alabies
your forked tounge
engulfs my ear
(our)battle of sins
circe's game
at which you win
dangerous consistency
i let my hair down for you
behind the walls
i'm the moth
drawn to a candle
that's not hers.

1 comment:

Tbone Stallone said...

That was hot, IYou make me wish I had paid more attention in honors english.