
false alarm

we are all being held up to someone elses standards.
and we are all holding other people up to our standards.

it might be human nature, how can you objectivly look at someone when you know have expectations. high or low ones, they are still there , and they still effect your perception - we can't help it.

we all know it's there, and it't not going to change, but what happens when you are not enough? or too much?

what if all's you wanted was to put distance between yourself and someone else - is it selfish to steal against the failure you yourself faced in meeting another someone's deffinition of what they "need" ?

because they weren't what you needed but you wanted them for that exact reason, beacause what you need you don't want - for whatever reason.

it's always the same - the damned same.
and you would have let this one save you.

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