
love is like this

i'm sorry no one told you
- i didn't tell you
or that you knew that no one told you
but you knew what wasn't being told anyway

i'm sorry you had to know before i had known you knew

that life is volcanic; catastrophic in its potential to disappoint
no one is sorry that i'm disappointed
no one knows that i know they are disappointing me
bc they think they are better .. no one knows i know,
we know,
that they are liars

they lie, bc we know that life is

bc we want but cant have
things not be the same

i'm sorry things can't not be the same
or i wish i was

catastrophic in a sense
because lacking sameness
makes dissimilarity disappointing
-like everything else

like life
when you're lied to
in a way that averts the truth without speaking

i'm sorry i'm not sorry about your sameness
sameness, when it is a rooted, like a dying tree to the ground
self made, like a tomb

i'm sorry no one told you
-i didn't tell you
i will not be a part of your infuriating sameness

i will be volcanic and catastrophic on my own.

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