
truer at a remove

maybe it's when people reach out for each other in times like this that we experience "enough", fullness even - strength in shared helplessness. we cannot fix one another but maybe the want to soften the blow is the only band aid we need. sharing silence - or the meaningless lack there of to lighten the atmosphere. 

reaching out with simple existence, just functioning in the same air of circumstance.  

it doesn't seem fair that we should have to see people close to us suffer through circumstance. people who should be closer to us and the people that are closer to them that need to reach for someone. 
and maybe in that reaching people share enoughness. in the presence of one another- in the simple act of needing because they know not what else to need, maybe people are enough for each other when it is not expected, when we least expect them to be. 

maybe thats why we are here, circling each other constantly, to be enough at the moments where everything else is out of step. to be a constant in the background and feel what they feel, feel what they wish they could feel,   to be enough when they think nothing could fill them out. 

how do you explain grief for the fringes, for the bit players, and for what they do to our own players. 

maybe that existential grief is proof of the fullness we find in each other. because everything is truer at a remove - 

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