if meaning is dependent on regularity and you make a habit out of communicating in ambiguous terms does the meaning your relationships become subsequently ambiguous? if you standardize superficial relationships, make the lines indistinguishable, and therefore obscure any potential for purpose or significance, will you somehow damage your ability to assign any amount of legitimacy to your interactions?
have we standardized superficiality of language by playing games and objectifying peoples wants (needs)? or have we always had that potential and we are now at the point in our society where social expectations and the abuse of this power have aligned to create the ability to segregate ourselves from all emotional responsibility?
by regularizing emotional competence we are isolating ourselves from meaning .. does that make sense? because if we hide within the intricacies of ambiguity can we ever really know what we are saying? I mean really know how we are being perceived? or are we walking around as perpetual strangers? estranged as a function of self-awareness?
i might be jumping to too many conclusions. or i might be psychoanalyzing. . you decide.